Friday, November 30, 2007

A forewarning, I am wordy with unorganized thoughts. I also lean toward the messy side, and 95% of the time I am late. All and all, I aspire to be a good person.

I love making lists, and I primarily make a list for the pure joy of crossing things off of it. Sometimes my list consists of the minutest detail. I never look at the quality of the tasks on my list, just the quantity. That black pen going through words and making those tasks indistinguishable, pure joy. This would be the one time in my life that I would agree with quantity over quality. I hope this is the only time that statement is every used.
I have wanted to start a blog for some time now, and after months of scanning through some amazingly talented work of individuals; I decided the time is now. I live two lives at the moment. One is from about 7 till 5, and the other obviously follows. Thus far in my adult realm, the job has seemed to control my mental state, and although I have been brainstorming and planning to expressively live my life, thus far I have just placed it on the backburner. Now I am turning up the heat!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like most, this blog is about what I see everyday and how it all influences the thing I do. I will attempt to post as often as I come across things that move me. We are surrounded by beauty. Here is the translation of the beauty that surrounds me. I pledge quality over quantity.



Anonymous said...

we will share beauty once again...quality in time; same thoughts a monment in time, connected as a result...

Anonymous said...

i am proud of you and excited to see this blog grow!

Anonymous said...

With a quick flick of her wrist, she snatched the green fabric from liberty street and began sewing the letters
W O W onto the sash.

She made seven in no time.

Stepping out the door of her apartment, she handed them out.
"Wow!" "Wow!" They all said it, but little did they know....

She grinned. "Wealth on Walnut."
"They are bloated....." she thought.

Anntorian is Truth.
Let's have a drink.