Thursday, January 3, 2008

tokens of love

wrapped and handed out, finally the totes are complete.

Ten in all. To some, ten bags is just a busy weekend, I am motivated to gain a straighter stitch and a to quicken my bobbin threading. I am slow and am looking forward to improving on every project.
After it all I thought I would let my sewing machine collect dust, there would be no way I would want to even look at it after my little project.
Last night I had sewing withdrawals, so I started and finished a sweatshirt for trevor inspired (blatantly copied) from a built by wendy shirt. I will show photos later, and I take no credit for the idea, just the crooked stitch.

I promise more post to come, for now cold medicine, green tea, a few oranges and sleep.
Thank you loyal readers, I appreciate your attention and I promise to provide you with love.

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