Thursday, December 6, 2007

winter wonder

The first official snow fall about 3"; quite impressive if you ask me. Usually it seems like we get this sort of coverage in late February, when the winter is beyond enjoyment and the buds are tricked into thinking that spring is on its way. Every year I worry that trees are dead due to the shocking attack of late winter’s fury.

Trevor lives in an amazing house/apartment with this structure dumped near the ally. This shed/carport is sadly left in the back where the lower tenants just allow their dog out to shit everywhere. Walking back there is like entering a minefield. The shed has a wonderful green patina, which unfortunately these photos haven’t captured.

Occupying the second floor we are fortunate to use his room as a mutual work studio, music/ architecture, sewing, painting extravaganza. I have been taking the space over with my family Christmas creation emporium. My goal is to make 10 tote bags, a variety of desk calendars, as well as tins full of winter treats. Breath. I have taken a big bite for myself. One purpose of this blog is to post my progress to assure myself that I am moving forward; sort of a pep rally during my lunch break till I get home. So there it is, I have spilt the beans.

I want to create more, unfortunately this Christmas it seems that I only have enough focus and time for my family. I hope that I will be able to branch out from this point.
We are supposed to get 2-4 more inches tonight!!!!

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